
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Planning: Character representation

Name: Cindy White

Character role: Girlfriend

Age: 17

Gender stereotype of role:
Girly girl

Costume: white tights with a colourful skirt and a white cardigan

Hair and makeup: Hair untied, casual make-up – eyeliner and foundation etc.

Body language and facial expression:

Body language – flirty

Facial expression – happy

Represented as a victim who always wants her boyfriend around and o do everything for her

Role within the narrative: Constantly with the boyfriend and a part of the group who go to record a thriller

Name: Josh Stevenson

Character role: Boyfriend

Age: 17

Gender stereotype of role:
Mature boyfriend

Costume: Jeans and a winter coat

Hair and makeup: short hair no makeup.

Body language and facial expression:

Body language - straight posture, slightly build

Facial expression
- happy

Represented as a typical young man who thinks he knows it all

Role within the narrative
: he’s part of the group who go to record the thriller. However, he doesn’t do anything but follow the group and flirt with his girlfriend ensuring she’s safe.

Name: Leo Toretto

Character role:
Leader of the group of boys

Age: 17

Gender stereotype of role:
boastful, smug

shirt, jeans

Hair and makeup:
normal, scruffy hair

Body language and facial expression:

Body language –
high posture

Facial expression
- sarcastic smiles

Represented as
another victim who doesn’t care and wants it to be over so he can go home

Role within the narrative: Acts like he doesn’t care about the project

Name: Sam

Character role:

Age: 17

Gender stereotype of role:
typical male nerd into technology and getting work done

Costume: chinos ( tack ups) cheeked shirt

Hair and makeup:
neat hair, combed

Body language and facial expression:

Body language -
stiff posture to show he is nervous

Facial expression -  
straight face

Represented as
a typical nerd who is focused on his studies and seen as an easy target

Role within the narrative :
the group make fun of him whilst he records the forest. Sam is the reason the group split up as he ran away

Name: Jack

Character role:

Age: 16

Gender stereotype of role:
immature teenager

all black jumper and bottoms

Hair and makeup:
normal hair

Body language and facial expression:

Body language -
jumpy, crazy etc.

Facial expression - constantly smiling

Represented as
a victim who doesn’t care about anything that is going on around him. All fun and games

Role within the narrative :
Turns up late to the meeting point and scares everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Good evidence of planning here. All of your characters are discussed according to their role within the film, their stereotypes and how you plan to represent them.

    To improve;
    -include images of the actors that will be starring in your thriller
    -more detail for some of your conevntions like body lang and facial expression
    -include some images of existing characters from thrillers you want your characters to be like
