
Sunday 20 October 2013

Research: Editing

Editing is how the film is cut and joined together,
It’s an important micro- element because it’s a main part of post production as it creates the storyline of the film by putting all the scenes together.Moreover the speed of editing determines the pace of the film and helps determine the mood.

Editing types :

-Straight cut is when one shot moves into another shot in an edit and it does not confuse the audience.

During the batman vs. joker prison scene, as the shot reverse shot is being presented it also includes a straight cut that that just keeps going into the next thing.

-Fade to black is when one shot goes/moves into another and there is a black filter in between.

This is a fade to black scene from Insidious. At the ending scene as soon as the husband touches the woman’s shoulder the fade to black is put into place. This creates suspense for the audience as they want to know what happened next.

- Wipe cut is when the shot slides into another.

The Wipe cut is used in Star Wars. This is used as it swipes into the next scene without creating confusion for the audience and helps them get over what’s happening in the last scene quicker.The wipe cut is generally used when two scenes link/ relate to each other.

- Slow editing is when clips are put together at a slow paste, this creates suspense and captures action.
This is a scene from Sherlock Homes where they fight. Slow editing has been used to highlight the effects of the hits from the opponent.

-Dissolve is when one shot disintegrates into another.
This is a scene from Physco. In this scene we can see the man’s face dissolving in to his skeleton which looks like a x-ray. This creates a terrifying experience for the audience.

-Reaction shot is any shot which a subject reacts to a pervious shot.
This is a reaction shot from scream where Dru sees him for the first time; this clearly highlights for the audience how scared she is when she sees the masked antagonist.

-Montage is the speed of editing, where shots are quickly juxtaposed  together to create excitement.

-108 ° - is like imagining a hypothetical line drawn down between the two or more actors. The camera must not shoot on the other side of the line and this is because it can confuse the audience and also shooting will not be consistent

-Shot reverse shot – This is mostly used in films where a conversation is taking place and it is when one shot quickly followers another.
Evidently this is shown in The Dark Knight prison scene conversation that takes place between the Joker and Batman.

-Jump cut – A drastic camera movement that is noticeable to the eye ( the shot/edit almost jumps)
This is a jump cup scene from Breathless. This is a drastic camera movement that is noticeable.

In conclusion I am planning to use the fade to black editing as it makes the audience wonder whats going to happen next as it creates suspense.Also keeps them on the edge of their seat as they dont know whats going to happen after the black filter disappears.
In addition I believe another key type of editing is the reaction shot as it creates emphasis on the characters reaction which refers back to what has happened in the scene. This helps to give the audience a clear understanding of how it affects the character in the film.

Similarly, the shot reverse shot also has the same affect as it helps the audience interpret how the conversation between the two characters affects one another distinguishing the differences in their facial expressions.

1 comment:

  1. Terms are well defined here Sezer and some good choices of examples that are briefly analysed. A good conclusion which highlights some uses of editing you plan to use.

    To improve;
    -always try and relate to the audience response of the micro-elements use and why it has been used
    -slow motion editing needs to be discussed
