
Sunday 13 October 2013

Research: Sound

Sound is used in films for many reasons. Sound plays a big part in the film whether it is a horror, thriller or an action adventure. Sound is used to excite and create a response from their targeted audience, sound also creates more meaning about the character and their emotions through the film.

Diegetic Sound is part of the film world. E.g. dialogue, music from a radio or Jukebox. The sound can be on or off screen. An example of this is in Scream 4 when Kirbys phone rings and she picks up this clearly shows the audience that the sound is coming from the ringing phone.

Non-Diegetic Sound is not part of the film world. E.g. a soundtrack, sound affects, voiceovers.
In this scene of Jeepers Creepers whilst the car chase is going on a sharpe sound effect is added which makes the scene become more intense as it raises the heart beats of the audience who are wondering whats going to happen next.

On Screen sound is when you can see where the sound is coming from (radio, car).

You can hear Off Screen sound within the film even though you can’t see where it’s coming from, but it makes sense to the film world (traffic sound, coughing)

Parallel Sound is when the sound you hear in a film is what is expected e.g. a scene with children playing on the beach, the parallel sounds would be laughter, talking and the sea.

Contrapuntal Sound is when the sound does not match the expectations of what you’re viewing within the film; an example of this is Jaws. The scenes of the beach are accompanied by the contrapuntal sound of the theme tune ‘dur dur’ which does not fit in with the happy images.

(Couldnt find link)


1 comment:

  1. A clear post and structure is clear. Most terms are defined well and provide some examples from thrillers to support your work.

    To improve;
    -when providing your examples, relate to audience response it creates
    - if you don'd provide examples throughout, try and provide a Thriller scene analysis at the end. Analyse a scene identifying three effective uses of sound – use PEER
    -conclude with potential sounds you plan to use
