
Thursday 10 October 2013

Research: Cinemaphotography

Cinematography is the art making motion pictures by looking at the way the shot is framed, the angle it is taken in and the movement of the camera.

Extreme Long Shot (ELS):

An Extreme long shot is used to set the scene making it an establishing shot. This shot is usually taken from more than a mile away. For example, ELS shows the outside of a building or is often used in action films to show scenes of thrilling action. This shot shows only very little amount of detail in the shot. The subject is hardly visible in this shot.

Long Shot (LS):

In filmmaking, photography and video production, a long shot shows the whole object or person(s). This shot allows the audience to see the object or person and their surroundings. A long shot also puts across some sense of emotions to the audience even though you cannot see the persons facial expressions.

Medium Shot (MS):

A Medium shot is when you see a shot between the waist and head of the actor. This shot is mainly shot from waist up. This shot allows you to see the subject in more detail, but still showing their surroundings.

Medium/Mid Close Up (MCU):

This is a shot that is halfway between a Medium shot and a Close Up. In a Medium close up shot you can see from the subjects’ chest to just over their head. This shot captures the emotion on the characters face also the background in a limited space which Is effective.

Close Up (CU):

A Close Up on a person is a shot of their shoulders and head or sometimes this shot only includes their neck and head. This takes up the whole frame showing less of their surroundings. This shot is most likely to be used in a television interview.

Extreme Close Up (ECU):

An Extreme Close Up shot shows the audience a more detailed shot of the subject. An extreme close up could be a shot of the subjects’ eyes. This shot can capture emotions and well as not being able to catch any other action around them. This shot allows us to analyse all the detail.

1 comment:

  1. Sever, it is good to see what you have defined shot sizes well and have included examples. however this post is not complete.

    To improve;
    -provide a clearer definition of cinematography
    -even though you provide accurate examples, can you find some examples from thrillers to further show your understanding?
    -can you discuss and illustrate angles and movements?
