
Saturday 26 October 2013

Reasearch : narrative themes

Themes are topics or ideas within a film to create understanding. They are important to identify for the audience as it gives them a more detailed explanation about what’s happening in the scene’ background information. Moreover, they create different emotions and feelings for the audience.
Examples of themes from different genres :

Action – Violence , racing , revenge

Rom-Com – love, friendship, relation

Thrillers – crime, revenge, obsession

Crime – drugs, gangs, money

Sci-Fi aliens, love, disaster

Common themes in thrillers are: Crime, revenge, obsession, death.
All of these themes make the audience fee uncomfortable and corrupt as they involve the darkest side of people and are usually against the law and therefore it creates an unpleasant feeling for the audience so directors always touch upon these themes.

An example of death is shown in every Scream film. All the victims are killed horrendously by the antagonist.

 The dark knight
Examples of Crime and revenge have been shown throughout the film ‘The dark knight’ at the beginning of the film the Joker robs a bank which is committing a crime. Then throughout the film the Joker is getting revenge from the batman after everything he does to stop him.

  A nightmare on elm street - Obsession

Different themes have different impacts on the audiences. For example if they were watching a film with the theme love they would also start to feel the same emotion as they connect with the film, by the end it could affect them to start being more romantic or loveable. Another example is watching a race theme it could boost the confidence of those who are involved with the racing sport.

In my thriller I’m planning to use death, crime and revenge as they make the audience feel the most uncomfortable because of the events that are leaded by the themes.

1 comment:

  1. Some good associated with thrillers are evident here. You draw upon some good films and identify the themes that are present which is good. Some of your analysis is also sub-genre specific.

    To improve;
    -firstly, the presentation of this post needs some work. There seems to be a lot of typo's everywhere. Change this.
    -make sure the images that you use are from sources that are not blocked so you can see what you have included
    -where you state the themes you plan to use, how do you tend to utilise them?
